Friday, August 22, 2008

New Staff and New Volunteer

Today at the Ranch we welcomed our newest staff member Randee Nuse by cheering her on as she took her first solo " in years" ride on Kizee. We also welcomed our newest volunteer Hannah who will be helping with grooming, spotting, leading and riding. It was a beautiful day to ride for all our ranchers and staff as well. Under the guidance of Catlin, our ranchers are learning proper posture, mounting, dismounting, grooming and hoof cleaning as well as a great deal about feeling comfortable and safe.
Johnathan (our newest Rancher) got the opportunity to show his folks how well he rides and last seen they were off to the nearest western wear store for a hat and cowboy boots.
We are excited to see our Ranchers getting the prep work done in record time so they can "get to the fun part" of riding.
If you are interested in volunteering with our Equine therapy Program or just coming out and enjoying the day with us please contact the TCR Office.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


We would like to welcome Caitlin Fontaine to TCR as our new Wrangler, Caitlin comes to us with a great deal of experience. She is working toward her NAHRA Instructor Certification, and has committed to seeing the Equestrian Therapy Program at Triangle Cross Ranch succeed.
Since the first week in July, Caitlin has dedicated her time working with our ranchers and staff in all aspects of equine therapy. Caitlin will be responsible for management of the riding, including safe and appropriate instruction both on and off the horses and the care and well being of our horses, Jayar and Kizee. We are very thankful and blessed to add her to the TCR team.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grace Volunteers

We would like to thank Grace Church in Greeley and the 35 plus volunteers who graciously donated their Sunday to help at the ranch. We had terrific weather on Sunday with a brief thunderstorm that ended the day a little bit quicker than planned. Despite the storm we accomplished so much and everyone was busy doing landscaping, moving rock, grooming the horses, sanding the decks and working in our garden. Our ranchers worked right along with everyone.

Our Life Coaches Jay, Donna and Ryan helped Volunteer Coordinator Charyn, and volunteers Rebecca and Beau coordinate projects to get them completed. Everyone pitched in to make the day a HUGE success. The community is truly blessed to have volunteers such as these. To see more photos of the day visit the TCR Photo Gallery.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thank you!!

A special Thank you goes out to the 30 plus volunteers who participated in Planting and Shearing Day!!

Our volunteer Cheryn and a group from the Briggsdale Congregational Church, and staff member Jay, planted two fruit trees, filled flower pots, and planted annuals everywhere!! We appreciate Happy Life Gardens, Eaton Grove Nursery, Briggsdale Ag Students & Redeye Rotary for donating all the plants and trees!!

Suzzanne and Elizabeth Shaw along with volunteers,
Ryan and Mary worked with the alpacas and goats, to shear, trim hooves, and vaccinate. The animals weren't necessarily thrilled with the process, but the 8o degree days that followed were sure a lot cooler for them.

The crew from Pirate Radio 104.7 and their families came out and volunteered their time as well. Completing the exterior trim of Faith House!! ARRRR! Me Hearties!!
What an amazing day!! To see more photos of Planting and Shearing day go to the TCR Photo Gallery.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Planting and Shearing Day

Planting & Shearing Day
Saturday, May 17 ~ 8:30 am -5 pm

Come join us for a day of fun volunteer opportunities

Planting flowers
Prepping the Garden
Shearing the Alpacas & Goats
Feeding Baby Goats
See felting demonstrations

Lunch included for volunteers.
Call the TCR Office at 970.454.2219 to RSVP!!


The Ranchers have been very excited about the Goat Extravaganza. It is the first time the Ranchers were able to enjoy watching people touch and buy the items they have made with the goat & alpaca fleece.
Gloria was anxious to demonstrate some dry felting.

Marsha's mom, Mary came to help and is proud to show the beautiful purses and items her daughter & the other Ranchers have made.

Later during the show Donna
Gustafson is shown teaching Gammy the wonderful art of crocheting.

The Ranchers smiles tell all. It looks like a fun future for the Ranchers at Triangle Cross Ranch. They are hoping to be involved in other shows as well as Farmers Markets. We will keep you posted.. For more photos of the Goat Extravaganza go to the TCR Photo Gallery!!

Donna B

Jay's Posse

On Thursday, April 25th , the ranchers and I started the morning by mending, repairing and cleaning out Jayar and Kizee’s corral in anticipation of the Triangle Cross Ranch’s first equine therapy program. Donna G has graciously volunteered her time, experience and knowledge and started teaching the ranchers and I what we need to know about these two amazing horses that we care so much for.

We started by learning how to properly bridle, brush and groom each horse and also learned how to communicate with them. We also learned the proper saddle techniques that are essential in making the horse and rider comfortable. Donna G. showed us how to properly mount and sit on the horse. I was privileged to be the first one to ride Jayar. Then the ranchers got their chance.

The true blessing was watching three of our ranchers flawlessly and courageously take their turn and get on one of the horses and take their ride around the corral. The grins and smiles and laughter were truly a gift to witness. We are extremely excited about our program and our ranchers look forward to our weekly sessions with Donna G and myself. Stay tuned for further updates, photos and opportunities to come out to the ranch and join us.


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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Arrived with the wind...

We all know that planning an outdoor work day in Colorado, in April is a tad dicey. Well, as you can see we had beautiful blue sky and at 8 am it was actually warm. By 9 am the wind was blowing so hard we were wondering if we would need the tractor to hold us on the ground.
We want to thank all the volunteers (18 total) who worked at cleaning out flower beds, removing and trimming wayward shrubbery, laying rock, building fence and moving furniture. A special thank you to Randy and Robin who brought their tractor and did some ground breaking for our garden, as well as pulling out some posts and a few things that ONLY a tractor with a front loader could accomplish.
At lunchtime we took a tour of the cottage industry site. We walked through the various steps taking fleece and making felt and also showed off our Gospel Green herbs. I heard that the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were close to gourmet!!
All in all it was a very productive day!! Thanks to a group of wonderful volunteers!
To see more photos of the work day go to the TCR photo gallery.
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!!

Some of TCR Ranchers spent time at home with their families, but those that stayed back at the Ranch were able to enjoy a beautiful Easter Service at Hope Centre in Greeley, followed by a yummy Easter ham dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Some wonderful friends of the Ranch; the Sundowners of Eaton and the Redeye Rotary, provided baskets for all of the Ranchers. The smiles in the pictures tell how much they enjoy these gifts. Our heartfelt thanks go out to these generous people. God Bless You.

PS The Ranchers will be going to the show this Wednesday to see The Horton Hears a Who thanks to the Easter gifts!!!

Special "O" Basketball Competition

On March 22, it was an exciting time for all Triangle Cross Basketball participants. Lewis , Janice , Marsha and Gloria were part of a great event at Gold Crown Event Center in Lakewood. It was announced that Lewis is the oldest participating athlete involved in Special Olympics in the state of Colorado. We are really proud of him and the beautiful Gold Medal he won for an outstanding performance. The girls arn't to shabby either. Marsha and Gloria came home with Silver Medals. And of course the other Gold went to Janice. We are very proud of all of our athletes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Dancing is fun. Most think so, but the Ranchers think it's great, especially when you get to dance with your friends and eat all you want.

A few weeks ago we had our annual Valentines dance. This is a time for food, games, laughing, talking and, of course, lots and lots of dancing. Many moons ago, this tradition was started and it's just as fun and exciting as the very first dance.

These pictures are of our Rancher's and their "dates".

Anyway, we had fun and ate till we were ready to burst. What's not to love about the Ranchers?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To dribble or not to dribble THAT is the REAL question...

Make each shot count.
Sounds like a philosophical line for life right? Well, it could be, but here at the skills competition in Greeley it is just a reminder to pay attention to where the basketball is in relation to your hand and the basket.

Janice, Marsha, Lewis, Gloria, John and Dan all came home with ribbons, showing us that they are not only wonderful, but VERY capable too. Our Ranchers love Special Olympics events and are currently participating in Swimming, once spring arrives, they will start Bocce, bicycling and tennis. For more photos of Special "O" events visit our Photo Gallery. Way to go crew!! You did it!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

We were pleasantly surprised to have a large group of Valentine's show up at the Ranch today. Mrs. Bowness and her 3rd grade class from Galeton Elementary came to visit and brought treats & cards for the Ranchers. We appreciate the love and care these kids have given to our Ranchers in the last 4 years!! Kudos and many hugs!! For more photos of this fun day go to the TCR Photo Gallery.

Windsor Rotary Blog

Windsor Rotary's Blog includes Triangle Cross Ranch. For more information about them and what they wrote click HERE.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The newest creations!!!

Earlier this week our Ranchers starting creating fun things from the felt they made the week before.
I was struck at the wonderful color patterns!! This felt was made out a combination of Alpaca fiber and Mohair from our goats.
I asked Gammi to show me the purse she made and she proudly presented it and said "I did THIS!!" What a great learning experience!!

To view more photos of our Ranchers showing off their creations to to our Felt Projects photo gallery.

They are looking forward to showing off their items at The Moral Fiber show booth at the Goat Extravaganza, April 24-27 at Island Grove Park.

1st Annual Barn Dance

This is my first attempt at loading video, so let's see if it works! This is a short video of our 2007 Harvest Party and Barn Dance. We had just finished shearing goats and it was time to kick up our heels. The Down Home band sang and played for us. What a fantastic time we all had as we celebrated our 1st "harvest"!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Old West Museum

Today the Ranchers and Staff spent the better part of the day in Cheyenne, visiting the Old West Museum. Thy got to meet Ron, a mountain man, who told some amazing Native American tales. Special thanks goes out to the museum employees for making the day so interesting, fun AND educational.

Visit for more information!!

There are more photos of the museum at the TCR photo gallery!!

What NORMAL looks like...

N: Necessary to the community
In addition to being active participants in their own Ranch community, our Ranchers are an important part of their church community as well as local agencies where they volunteer and the Special Olympics team with which they participate. From weekly clean-up of the local town park to playing bingo with the elderly at an assisted living facility and even gleaning for the Weld County Food Bank, the Ranchers of TCR give back and do so often.
O: Oriented to daily life
Our Life Coaches live at the Ranch full-time. They invest time and attention, teaching the Ranchers to live as functional adults. Personal hygiene, doing laundry, completing chores, doing housework, going shopping and managing spending money are all responsibilities through which our Ranchers find success and begin to explore independence. While that level of independence is different for each individual, our Life Coaches are sensitive to their needs and abilities.
R: Realistic in Expectations
Expectations are a part of living. From the time we are born it seems that everyone in our life has expectations of how we are to act and react to the world around us. At Triangle Cross Ranch we expect failure, because we expect our Ranchers to try to do new things, to be bold and grow past the norm. We actually celebrate failure, remembering that it took Edison 10,000 tries before he created the light bulb. Nothing creates more self respect than perseverance and the resulting accomplishment.
M: Moral in Action
Do the right thing! A phrase used by many though not always grasped by those being taught. What does it look like? How do we fix it when we don’t do the right thing? Triangle Cross Ranch believes in a moral compass by the name of Jesus Christ and His actions are an example for our actions and how we treat others. Fairness, compassion, honesty, forgiveness and love are the values we strive for.
A: Ability beyond disabilities
Every person has their strengths and weaknesses. At TCR we like to “play to the strong side”, giving our Ranchers the opportunity to use all the resources available to succeed. Every disability is taken into consideration, sometimes we go around and sometimes we adapt but all the time we move forward.
L: Loved beyond measure
After food and water, a human’s greatest need is to be loved. Being liked for who we are, warts and all, is the longing of every human heart. Our self respect hinges on what others perceive us to be capable of doing and being. TCR likes to go out of its way to make both Staff and Ranchers feel loved and appreciated. Since we believe that every life has value, no matter the ability, love is unconditional, praise is loud and the laughter is contagious.