Friday, January 2, 2009

After a Loooooong Break...We're Back!!

After a few months of transition, we're back on the blogging trail. Things have been hectic at the Ranch recently, although life at a slightly slower pace for our Ranchers has continued right on.

In October, our lovely and oh so capable director, Lorelei, moved on to bigger and better things. We've missed her so much in the last months. The interim director has been yours truly, ME! I'm doing my best to keep the Ranch on an even keel, even though losing a valuable employee is always hard on everyone. A new director will be chosen by the end of February, and whether the board hires me or not, the Ranch will stay near the center of my heart. One way or the other, it will be nice to have the transition time over.

Our Prader-Willi House opened in October and promptly closed again in December after what we're calling a false start. The primary care giver abandoned his position and the resident was found to have much greater needs than we could address at our facility. It was stressful for all involved. We're now looking for reliable staffing for the house and continuing to take applications for Ranchers with the expectation of reopening full time in late spring. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

So here we are in a brand new year, 2009, and looking forward to things settling down in the office. We're getting our new website up and running, updating our presentation materials, and keeping up to speed on our licensing requirements. It all sounds very boring, indeed, but that's what makes our world go around, some days. Obviously, I haven't figured out the picture program yet, because there aren't any in this posting, but never fear! I'll get to that eventually and the visual feast can commence.

In the meantime, the Ranchers have been busy with their winter work; making felt, drying and packaging herbs, sewing bags and mittens, feeding the animals.............attending Christmas parties, shopping trips and movies, eating out, playing games, and visiting friends. Ah, I should have a life like that!

Thank you to all of the people who donated to the Ranch over the holiday season. With the poor economy this past year, I stand amazed at people's generosity. God has been faithful this year, and I have no doubt that He will continue to act according to His nature in the days to come.

So a great and happy new year to all! May there truly be peace and good will this coming year and in all the years that follow!


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